Monday, May 12, 2014

Preliminary Thoughts/Rich

As a late Mother's Day present to what will surely be our four most avid readers, I've gone ahead and started this blog up. The idea is for all four of us to combine our perspectives to give a cool panorama of the trip, but when Zeke inevitably refuses to write anything, I can still promise at least one Evan ramble and a few selfies from Tirrill.

My main project for the trip is going to be compiling pictures of Hobbes, my ferocious stuffed tiger, and Evan's sock monkey. At the end, with all of the photos of them at various famous landmarks and beautiful landscapes, I'm going to compile them into a little makeshift picture book. Anyone with younger cousins or family friends or godchildren is welcome to take a peek in case they want to show it to them- hopefully it will be educational, entertaining, and inspire some other folks to explore and travel the way we are.

Other things I'm excited about: inevitably getting conned in the streets of Paris and having someone to actually save me this time (thanks in advance, Tirrill), the hilarity of Tirrill learning to drive on the left side of the road/right side of the car in Scotland, Evan bathing in Icelandic rivers and somehow catching Cholera, and Zeke emerging from the trip with no face and only beard. Hopefully having four writers all determined to poke fun at each other will keep this blog lighthearted and humorous, and we're planning on having some pretty sweet pictures on the side. I'll pop in whenever we have Internet and leave assurances that I'm surviving, despite being on a diet without Tyson's grilled chicken.


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