*This drive, though. Can't say enough about how pretty the drive is, all the time. I don't think we've been out of sight of a mountain the entire time, and most of the time we also have the ocean, glaciers, or some sheep-laden fields with us as well:
*Zeke and I contemplating the advent of a potential second blog called "Evan doing Mundane Things" after watching him interact with TSA agents, buy food, look out the windows of the car, and generally exist.
*Us failing miserably to pronounce the names of various things, including "Eyjafjallajokull", "Vatnsleysufoss", and "Myvatn" (except add in a couple of unfamiliar letters also, if you're talking about road signs or our GPS).
*Us forgetting to fill up our water bottles at the airport, leading to a sleep-deprived search for agua that may or may not have included some hallucinations BUT also led us to a random gas station in the middle of nowhere, which of course contained a local hiking trail and led us to this:
*The many quirks of Iceland, including: a bunch of octagon fences that we have to assume are for sheep MMA fighting, grocery stores that are open from 10 AM to 6 PM, gas stations which are open about the same hours and 50% of which are legitimately owned by Pepsi Max, lots of single-pass bridges which we have been asserting our alpha-car dominance over, absolutely zero bodies of water with acceptable temperatures for bathing (which may or may not have been part of our original plan of sleeping in the car for a week), and sunrises that come around 3 in the morning and nicely guided our first few hours of driving.
*Various landscapes that look like Mars, including the following:
*Plenty of games of Spades, almost always accompanied by some disgruntled tension afterwards and a lot of fist bumps (sure to escalate soon to chest bumps) for the winning team.
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